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Jason Miles-2022-Major News

2022 is an incredibly critical year for me..Lots of big changes coming..

I hope you will participate in this journey…I’ve worked for 48 years to get here

I’m fine tuning my book The Extraordinary Journey of Jason Miles...A Musical Biography…It’s edited and onto the next step. I have seeded it with some wonderful journalis And I could not be happier with the feedback and response I have gotten back.It is a book that I believe everybody will truly dig reading. All your favorite artists and my back stories are there From so many great projects I’ve worked on over the years.

So I need to go and try to get this to the maximum place for the best exposure and high-quality. I am going to start very shortly a Go Fund Me Page Where I will not be asking you to contribute money but I will be asking you to buy the book in advance So I can get the best cover art do the best marketing and get you high quality product. One of the bonuses is that every book but will have my new album included in the purchase…My first album of solo piano and trios. I don’t know why more musicians that wrote books don’t include music with them…

I am going to have various tiers as well for your participation from Autographed copies with a personal note written to you to spending an afternoon at Storm King Art Center with us And having Kathy and I will take you to one of our favorite restaurants for lunch. I will also be offering a live concert at your house for you and your friends. More details on all of this soon

I’m also going to have a lot of bonus material from the book of inside stories of many of the people, Studios and Shows That I’ve seen over the last 48 years. I also have so much music in the can including some really fantastic live recordings. The first bonus recording I’ll be releasing is Miles to Miles live taken from a live in the studio show that includes Cindy Blackman and James Genus among others…This is material that I will not be releasing to the public and will be exclusive the people that join my Patreon page that I will be setting up. I have lots of shows like this from over the years. I’m getting tired of releasing music that just may sit on Spotify and would rather share it with the people that really would enjoy it and feel like they are getting something special

And of course as I have put out there Kathy and I will be moving to Europe and we will also be at times doing little videos taking you along on our trip to the next space in our lives.

I hope you will support me in this. I’ve given as much as I possibly can over the years to everybody and now hope that you will help us get this book out there and give it at least a modest success that I know it deserves. I think you’ll also really love the solo piano in trio album. It’s Music you can enjoy over and over again

Thank you, stay safe and healthy

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